
Dreamery Productions recording studio is located in West Barnet, Vermont.

The first thing most people say when they walk in, is. Wow, I didn’t realize there was a facility like this, in this area.  Dreamery Productions was designed and built from scratch  inside of a restored 100+ year old creamery.

John Heartson, has been working with audio for most of his life both technically and creatively. He is just as comfortable with a soldering iron and circuit board, as he is performing music to a large crowd. So when you work with John, you can trust that he is here to help you achieve your goals and dreams.  Whether you are just getting started, or you are a grammy nominated musician,  you will feel supported and understood.

Here are some of the features of our facility.

  • 24 Audio Input Digital Recording
  • Virtually unlimited audio processing capabilities
  • Full midi capabilities
  • Advanced virtual instrument emulations
  • Advanced pItch correction
  • Variety of microphones and preamps to match vocals snd styles
  • 500 Series Colour Modules for real analog flavor
  • Soundproof isolation booth
  • Control room designed by team of acoustic, electrical and mechanical engineers.
  • Calibrated control room speaker system with subwoofer.
  • Custom designed broadband sound absorbers, clouds and bass traps.
  • Stackable gobo’s
  • Great sounding live room for rock, pop, country and acoustic 

Call 1-802-357-2024 and let’s talk about your music!