Meet some of the Dreamery Productions recording artists.

Penpa Tsering– Penpa Tsering was born in Jewel Place Chamdo, Tibet and moved to India in 1998. In 2000 he moved to Boston, MA. He is a master of traditional Tibetan music, dance and traditional Tibetan instruments. Penpa and John met at the Milarepa Center in Vermont, where Penpa was performing and decided to collaborate on this new meditative healing music project. An exquisite blend of Tibetan flute and soothing keyboard pads and textures.

Steve Davie – Steve’s amazing new album “Come See Me on the Moon” Folk music about life on the moon in some future that is exciting as the trip there. New Genre “Sci Fi folk” music. Stay Tuned

John Heartson – Recording artist John Heartson, lives in a 100+ year old creamery in Vermont, owns Dreamery Productions and drives an antique Mercedes powered by waste vegetable oil. His mesmerizing music is as eclectic as he is. Genre bending rock, pop, techno and new age ranging from mellow to weird. The stories are true, the music is hypnotic.

Fifth Business – Wonderful group of musicians and humans. Filled with life, love and music. Fantastic vocal harmony combined with skillful musicianship will bring joy to your ears and hearts.

Jennifer Grossi – Project Jelinora. This is the poetry and music of a deeply languaged, obsessivist musician, mother and human animal, who strived for so long to not be any of these things— or sometimes to simplify into one alone, and not be the rest.

Kingdom All Stars – This fun and talented band from the Northeast Kingdom region of Vermont, features songwriters and musicians that also happen to students in middle school and high school. (Kingdom All Stars is a non profit organization)